All The Colors Are Changing
Through editing and composing a large number of uncurated Iphone images, I am experimenting with ways to visually unify experiences that are both personal and shared. I am intensely interested in the act of viewing, seeing, acknowledging. About space, time, and light. The way we filter through our observations and distracted glances. Our inconclusive perceptions.
New York 2021.
The Rite of Spring.
All the Colors are Changing.
Diamond Series 5 N1 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H.
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
The Rite of Spring.
New York 2021.
The Rite of Spring.
All the Colors are Changing.
Diamond Series 5 N2 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H.
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
New York 2021.
The Rite of Spring.
All the Colors are Changing.
Diamond Series 5 N3 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H.
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
New York 2021.
The Rite of Spring.
All the Colors are Changing.
Diamond Series 5 N4 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H.
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
New York 2021.
The Rite of Spring.
All the Colors are Changing.
Diamond Series 5 N5 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H.
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
New York 2021.
The Rite of Spring.
All the Colors are Changing.
Diamond Series 5 N6 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H.
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
In late March temperatures started to rise considerably and the spring cycle began. Restrictions on social distancing and regulations were easing and it felt OK to venture out and starting mingling with people and be in the outdoors again. We met at Washington Square Park and we sat on the marbled ledge,observing the spectacle of trees in bloom and the people bustling around them. The sun was generously warm; many peoplead already abandoned masks. We also timidly put ours aside, pleasure overtaking fear and guilt. We all went through so much. A silent revolution. The blooms come as a fantastic steady recurrence, a reassurance that no matter what we are constantly moving forward.