Everyone stopped. So did I.
New York 2021.
Everyone Stopped. So Did I.
Diamond Series 1 N1 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
New York 2021.
Everyone Stopped. So Did I.
Diamond Series 1 N5 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
New York 2021.
Everyone Stopped. So Did I.
Diamond Series 1 N4 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
New York 2021.
Everyone Stopped. So Did I.
Diamond Series 1 N2 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
New York 2021.
Everyone Stopped. So Did I.
Diamond Series 1 N3 21 - 1 of 8
Size Cm 141.4 X 141.4 H - In 55.68 X 55.68 H
Print. Ink on fine art paper.
Why do I take so many pictures on my mobile phone: It’s a good camera, it’s always with me, handy, easy to use: look, aim, click, save. Easy editing, some minimal color correction and minor playing with the conversion of files and tweaked resolution. Those moments desappear, no matter what I do with those memories, or my futile attempts to stop time and save it from slipping away. What I remember is this moment was the intense happiness I felt seeing the first tree in bloom. Several other people were stopping to take the same records, snapping away with their own phones and cameras. Taking selfies of their masked faces against the foliage. I came back to one particular tree for several days. Took pictures of the blooms at different times of the day and with different light. Some days overcast with a cloudy stark white sky. Other days were sunny and bright with the colors reverberating with light. It was windy those days, the wind is also in those images, in the blurs of vision, of memory, and technology. I am particularly attached to these compositions. That tree symbolized for me a break through, the realization that we were coming out of the hardest part of the pandemic. Time to move on.